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Weather In Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka a year-round vacation destination. Located in the tropical area, this country is hugely influenced by the monsoon climate.
The weather in Sri Lanka is dictated by two monsoon seasons which bring rain to Sri Lanka. Monsoon affects from: 

01. May to September – South and West Coasts Monsoon.
02. October to February - North and East Coast Monsoon.


During this period, it can get extremely rainy. The rest of the year is sunny and dry. Temperatures are fairly constant year-round, with coastal regions enjoying average temperatures of 27-30°C and the highlands 12-19°C on average.
So If You are Supposed to Visit Sri Lanka, the Best time to visit During the summer from: 
01. November to April - South and West Coasts. 
02. May to September - North and East Coast.

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